Monday, November 19, 2012

Turkey Day Trivia

Want to liven up this Thanksgiving dinner? Sharing some interesting, little-known facts is a great way to add fun to the holiday.  Do you know all the answers?  How 'bout Grandma, or Cousin Ralph?  

Was there turkey at the first Thanksgiving?

There is no evidence that turkey was eaten at the first Thanksgiving, a three-day meal shared between the pilgrims and Wamponoag tribe in 1621. It is more likely that they ate venison and a lot of seafood.

Of The Three Utensils We Use To Eat (Fork, Spoon & Knife) Which Was Not Present At The First Thanksgiving Feast?

The fork. What did they use to eat their meal with? A knife, a spoon and their fingers. The fork was not brought by the pilgrims. Governor Winthrop of Massachusetts introduced it 10 years later, but it did not really catch on until the 18th century.

What Is The Relationship Between Frozen T.V. Dinners And Thanksgiving?

Apparently, part of the reason that Swanson started creating T.V. dinners in 1953 was because it needed to find something to do with the massive amount of leftover frozen Thanksgiving turkeys.

Does Turkey Really Make Us Sleepy?

Not really. Trytophan does make us tired and it is in turkey. But more of it can be found in soybeans, parmesan and pork. So what is to blame for the post-meal coma? Well, it could be the quantity of food over-consumed. The huge serving of dessert could have an effect. Or it could be the amount of booze drunk midday.

Do People Consume A Lot Of Booze During This Holiday?

YES! It has been claimed again and again that the night before Thanksgiving is the biggest drinking night of the year -- beating out New Years Eve and St. Patrick's Day. Why? It is the number one evening where people return home and reunite with their high school buddies. Or possibly the anxiety of being surrounded by family drives some to drink.

How Did The Pilgrims Make Their Green Bean Casserole?

They didn't. Green been casserole came into being just 50 some years ago and was created by Campbell's soup. It came about when the company was making new recipes for its annual cookbook. Now, Campbells sells about $20 million worth of cream of mushroom soup, most likely for people to make the casserole.

How Many Turkeys Are Consumed On Thanksgiving?

An estimated 46 million turkeys are eaten on Thanksgiving (the birds weigh, on average, 16 pounds). That is more than double the amount eaten on Christmas (22 million) and Easter (19 million). In 2010, more than 244 million turkeys were raised and about 226 million of those were consumed in the United States.

Have Turkey, Stuffing And Football Always Gone Hand In Hand?

Not quite. It all started in 1934, when the Detroit Lions was bought by G.A. Richards. Trying to build up the fan base for the team, he scheduled a game for Thanksgiving Day to play the Chicago Bears, who at the time were world champions. The game sold out and was broadcasted live on radio. And with that huge success, the tradition began. Since then, the Detroit Lions have played 67 Thanksgiving games!

How Did The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Begin?

The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade began in 1924 with 400 employees marching off from Convent Avenue and 145th Street in New York City. During this time the parade was accompanied not with the oversized ballons of our favorite cartoon characters, but with live animals borrowed from the Central Park Zoo -- from camels to elephants.

And don't forget to take turns going around the dinner table and sharing what you are all thankful for!  Count your blessing this Thanksgiving and enjoy your friends and family!  Gobble, gobble!

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